Since our inception, Government Solutions Group has been completely focused on building a strategic, quality governmental affairs consulting firm and is recognized as one of the top lobbying firms in the state of Ohio.
Government Solutions Group/Darryl Dever Associates has expertise in every facet of state government. Established by Darryl Dever in 1984, the firm has experience representing private industry, associations and labor organizations.
Adam Hewit, firm President, joined Government Solutions Group in 2007 following four years of experience in candidate recruitment and campaign administration throughout Ohio. He has established a reputation with elected officials as one of the most effective young lobbyists in the industry. A few of the firm's clients he focuses on include the Ohio Dental Association, Penn National Gaming, UnitedHealthCare, Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, Ohio Mortgage Bankers Association, School Choice Ohio, Students First, Ohio Association of Ironworkers, Ohio Laborers District Council, US Steel, the Ohio Steel Council and the Ohio Conference of Teamsters, among others.
Bob Blazer is a recent addition to the firm after serving 14 years as Vice President, Governmental Affairs for AT&T Ohio. Bob brings more than 38 years of experience with the Public Utilities Commission, administrative and the Ohio Legislature.

Adam Hewit
Adam is a graduate of Kent State with a degree in Political Science. He brings over 15 years of experience in many political capacities.
In his free time he Coaches basketball and little league baseball, and also enjoys spending quality time with his wife and 2 small children.

Bob Blazer
Bob is a graduate of the University of Dayton and has 38 years of Public Utilities experience and expertise.
He and his wife, Mary, reside in Dublin.